Plot Controls Window Menus
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The Plot Controls window has the following menu actions available:
View Menu
Various options associated with the viewed data are contained in the View menu. The specific options depend on the data being plotted. The View menu options are listed below.
- Table: Opens a Plotted Data window that lists the numerical values of the plotted data.
- Numbers: Displays the index number next to each plotted point.
- Labels: Displays available labels next to each plotted point. If no labels are available this option is grayed out.
- Classes: Uses available class information to give each plotted point a different symbol. If no class information is available this option is grayed out. The fly-out menu includes any class sets defined in the dataset as well as options:
- Outline Class Groups allows drawing of lines to either enclose all samples in a group ("border points") or as a confidence boundary ("confidence ellipse")
- Change Symbols allows editing of symbols used for each class. See Set Symbol Styles Window.
- Classes as Overlay shows classes on top of the standard plot type (rather than instead of standard plot type)
- Excluded Data: Shows any points which have been "excluded" from the data set.
- Declutter Labels: Controls the label/number decluttering options. Automatic modes remove labels when they overlap. "Selected Only" removes labels on all points except those which have been selected using the standard selection tools.
- Label Angle: Changes the angle of (i.e. rotates) all labels in a plot.
- Axis Lines: Places lines through the origin.
- Diagonal 1:1 Line: Places a diagonal line up the x = y axis.
- Log Scales: Switches axes between log and linear scaling.
- Auto y-scale: When enabled, all plotted data items are scaled so that their y-axis values are on a similar scale (that is, they are each baselined and normalized). The different methods for y-scaling include: Sum, Length, Max. In each case, the given property is set equal to 1 for each plotted data item. In addition, if the plot has been zoomed, the y-scaling method is based only on the currently visible data. The scaling can be recalculated for any given zoomed view by selecting "Scale from current zoom".
- Auto Contrast: Contrast enhancement for a slice/slab for multivariate images (only available when the data are 3-way or type image).
- Duplicate Figure: Creates a duplicate copy of the current figure that is linked to the current figure i.e. if one figure is modified the other automatically changes to reflect the modification. The parent figure will have a "+" next to its name in the figure selection dropdown menu and the child figure will have a "\*".
- Spawn Figure: Creates a duplicate copy of the current figure that is not controlled by the Plot Controls toolbar. This is a simple MATLAB figure.
- Dock Controls: When checked, the Plot Controls toolbar are "docked" next to the controlled figure.
- Settings: Allows the user to modify other view settings.
Plot Menu
Selects the "mode" in which the current data should be viewed. This can be either a summary of any given mode (Data Summary mode) or one of the standard modes of a data matrix including the rows, columns, or slabs.
- Data Summary: Plots all the data, the mean, the standard deviation, or the mean ? the standard deviation. For Variables (columns) or Samples (rows) depending on what is selected in the x-axis.
- Rows: Plots the data across rows selecting which rows (usually samples) to view.
- Columns: Plots the data down the columns selecting which columns (usually variables) to view.
- Slabs: Uses IMAGESC to view a slice/slab of a 3-way array (only available when the data are 3-way).
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains various actions relating to selections. The specific actions available depends on the current selection and PLOTGUI mode. The Edit menu options are listed below.
- Copy Figure: Puts a copy of the figure on the system clipboard in graphical form.
- Copy Plotted Data: Puts a copy of the data used to create the current plot on the system clipboard in textual form.
- Select All: Selects all plotted points.
- Deselect All: Deselects all plotted points.
- Select Class: Select all points of a given class or classes in the data (if any classes are defined).
- Select Excluded: Selects all points which are currently excluded (see View/Excluded Data).
- Selection Mode: Menu used to choose selection mode from the following:
- Box: Click and drag a rubber band box around points,
- Polygon: Click to mark the corners of a polygon around points and click on the intial point or press [Enter] to close the polygon,
- Circle: Click to mark center of a circle, then click to mark the outside edge of the circle,
- Ellipse: Click to mark center of an ellipse, click again to mark the minor axis size for the ellipse, then complete the selection by clicking to mark the size and direction of the major axis for the ellipse
- Paintbrush: Click and drag to "paint" a selection onto points,
- Lasso: Click and drag a free-form line to "ensnare" the points,
- Single X: Click to select a single point on the x-axis,
- Single Y: Click to select a single point on the y-axis,
- X Range: Click and drag to select a range of points on the x-axis,
- Y Range: Click and drag to select a range of points on the y-axis, and
- Nearest: Click to select the nearest point.
- Multiple Nearest: Click to select the nearest point, repeated until the [Enter] key is pressed.
- Include All: Includes all excluded points (whether or not they are selected).
- Exclude Selection: Excludes (soft deletes) the selected points from the data set. See View/Excluded Data.
- Include Selection: Includes the selected points in the data set. See View/Excluded Data.
- Include Only Selection: Exclude all unselected points from the data set i.e. keep only the selected points.
- Info on Selection: Get information on selected point (only available when a single point is selected).
- Set Class: Set the class of the selected points.
- Make Selection Missing: Replaces the selected data with the "missing data" flag NaN (Not a Number). Use this operation with care. It deletes the current data and cannot be undone but provides a way to mark values as unknown for some analyses.
- Exclude Plotted Data: Excludes all items currently selected in the y-axis menu for plotting. Note that unlike the other exclusion options in this menu, this and the next two options act on the mode selected in the Plot menu.
- Include Plotted Data: Includes all items currently selected in the y-axis menu for plotting.
- Include Only Plotted: Includes all items currently selected in the y-axis menu for plotting and only those items (all others are excluded).
- Choose all (Y) in Class...: selects for plotting all items in the Y-axis menu which are in a given class. This operation is only available when the current plotted mode does not have classes but the opposing mode does have classes.
File Menu
The File menu contains various actions relating to files. The File menu options are listed below.
- Load Data: Creates an interface for the user to load data into PLOTGUI from the base workspace or a file.
- Save Data: Creates an interface for the user to save data from PLOTGUI to the base workspace or a file.
- Open in...: Pushes the given dataset into another application such as the DataSet Editor, Analysis, or Trend Tool windows.
- Export Figure: Allows exporting the current figure to Various external programs (exporting will not function correctly if the given program is not installed on the computer).
- Save Selected Indices: Saves the current selection as a vector of indices. This can be used with the Load Selected Indices command to quickly store and reload different selections.
- Load Selected Indices: Load a vector of indices to use as a selection.
- Reset Controls: Refreshes Plot Controls. Useful if graphical objects are not correctly aligned.