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Reads Thermo Fisher SPA files.


out = spareadr
out = spareadr('filename')
out = spareadr({'filename' 'filename2'})


Read SPA files into a dataset.


  • file = a text string with the name of an SPA file or a cell of strings of SPA filenames. If (filename) is omitted or an empty cell or array, the user will be prompted to select a folder and then one or more files in the identified folder. If (filename) is a blank string , the user will be prompted to select a single file.


  • out = takes one of two forms:
  1. If input is a single file, or multiple files containing data that can be combined (same number of data points, same x-axis range, same type of data), the output is a dataset object,
  2. If the input consists of multiple files containing data that cannot simply be combined (different number of data points, differing x-axis ranges, etc), the output is either:
a) a cell array with a dataset object for each input file if the 'nonmatching' option has value 'cell', or
b) a dataset object containing the input data combined using the MATCHVARS function if the 'nonmatching' option has value 'matchvars'.


options = a structure array with the following fields:

  • multiselect = [ {'on'} |'off'] governs whether file selection dialog should allow multiple files to be selected and imported. Setting to 'off' will restrict user to importing only one file at a time.
  • nonmatching : [ 'error' |{'matchvars'} 'cell'] governs behavior when multiple files are being read which cannot be combined due to mismatched types, sizes, etc.

See Also

Data Importing Formats, jcampreadr, spcreadr, writespc, xclreadr , spgreadr