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Gradient Boosted Tree Ensemble for classification (Discriminant Analysis).


model = xgbda(x,options); %identifies model using classes in x
model = xgbda(x,y,options); %identifies model using y for classes
pred = xgbda(x,model,options); %makes predictions with a new X-block
valid = xgbda(x,y,model,options); %performs a "test" call with a new X-block with known y-classes


XGB performs calibration and application of Support Vector Machine (XGB) models for classification. These are non-linear models which consist of a number of support vectors (essentially samples selected from the calibration set) and non-linear model coefficients which define the non-linear mapping of variables in the input x-block to allow prediction of the classification as passed in either the classes of the x-block or in a y-block which contains numerical classes.


  • x = X-block (predictor block) class "double" or "dataset".
  • y = Y-block (predicted block) class "double" or "dataset". If omitted in a calibration call, the x-block must be a dataset object with classes in the first mode (samples). y can always be omitted in a prediction call (when a model is passed) If y is omitted in a prediction call, x will be checked for classes. If found, these classes will be assumed to be the ones corresponding to the model.
  • model = previously generated model (when applying model to new data)


  • model = standard model structure containing the xgboost model (see Standard Model Structure). Feature scores are contained in model.detail.xgb.featurescores.
  • pred = structure array with predictions
  • valid = structure array with predictions


options = a structure array with the following fields:

  • display: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] governs level of display to command window.
  • plots [ 'none' | {'final'} ] governs level of plotting.
  • waitbar: [ off | {'on'} ] governs display of waitbar during optimization and predictions.
  • preprocessing: {[] []}, two element cell array containing preprocessing structures (see PREPROCESS) defining preprocessing to use on the x- and y-blocks (first and second elements respectively)
  • algorithm: [ 'xgboost' ] algorithm to use. xgboost is default and currently only option.
  • classset : [ 1 ] indicates which class set in x to use when no y-block is provided.
  • xgbtype : [ 'xgbr' | {'xgbc'} ] Type of XGB to apply. Default is 'xgbc' for classification, and 'xgbr' for regression.
  • compression : [{'none'}| 'pca' | 'pls' ] type of data compression to perform on the x-block prior to calculaing or applying the XGB model. 'pca' uses a simple PCA model to compress the information. 'pls' uses either a pls or plsda model (depending on the xgbtype). Compression can make the XGB more stable and less prone to overfitting.
  • compressncomp : [ 1 ] Number of latent variables (or principal components to include in the compression model.
  • compressmd : [ 'no' |{'yes'}] Use Mahalnobis Distance corrected scores from compression model.
  • compressmd : [ 'no' |{'yes'}] Use Mahalnobis Distance correctedscores from compression model.
  • cvtimelimit : Set a time limit (seconds) on individual cross-validationsub-calculation when searching over supplied XGB parameter ranges for optimal parameters. Only relevant if parameter ranges are used for XGB parameters such as eta, num_round,or max_depth. Default is 10 seconds;A second time limit = 30*cvtimelimit is applied to any xgb calibration calculation which is not part ofcross-validation.
  • cvi : { { 'rnd' 5 } } Standard cross-validation cell (see crossval)defining a split method, number of splits, and number of iterations. This cross-validation is use both for parameter optimization and for error estimate on the final selected parameter values.Alternatively, can be a vector with the same number of elements as x has rows with integer values indicating CV subsets (see crossval).
  • eta : [{0.1}] Value(s) to use for XGBoost 'eta' parameter. Eta controls the learning rate of the gradient boosting.Values in range (0,1].
  • max_depth : [{6}] Value(s) to use for XGBoost 'max_depth' parameter. Specifies the maximum depth allowed for the decision trees.
  • num_round : [{500}] Value(s) to use for XGBoost 'num_round' parameter. Specifies how many rounds of tree creation to perform.
  • strictthreshold : [0.5] Probability threshold for assigning a sample to a class. Affects model.classification.inclass.
  • predictionrule : { {'mostprobable'} | 'strict' ] governs which classification prediction statistics appear first in the confusion matrix and confusion table summaries.

See Also

analysis, browse, knn, lwr, pls, plsda, xgb, xgbengine