Categorical Index: Difference between revisions

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(New page: ====Help and information.==== :contents - This file. :helppls - Context related help on the PLS_Toolbox. :readme - Release notes for Version 4.1 of PLS_Toolbox. :demos...)
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====Help and information.====
This categorical index includes the PLS_Toolbox functions listed in only one category although some may be useful in more than one category. We have made an effort to list a function it its most common category. Also note that some functions may not be listed in this index.
:[[contents]]     - This file.
:[[helppls]] - Context related help on the PLS_Toolbox.
*[[Help_and_information|Help and information.]]
:[[readme]] - Release notes for Version 4.1 of PLS_Toolbox.
*[[Plotting_Analysis_Aids_and_I_O_Functions|Plotting, Analysis Aids, and I/O Functions.]]
:[[demos]] - Demo list for the PLS_Toolbox.
*[[Data_Editing_Scaling_and_Preprocessing|Data Editing, Scaling, and Preprocessing.]]
:[[evridebug]] - Checks the PLS_Toolbox installation for problems.
*[[Statistics_ANOVA_Experimental_design_Miscellaneous|Statistics, ANOVA, Experimental design, Miscellaneous.]]
:[[evriinstall]] - Install Eigenvector Research Product.
*[[Principal_Components_Analysis|Principal Components Analysis]]
:[[evriuninstall]] - Uninstall an Eigenvector Research toolbox.
*[[Curve_Resolution_and_Evolving_Factor_Analysis|Curve Resolution and Evolving Factor Analysis]]
:[[evriupdate]] - Check for available PLS_Toolbox updates.
*[[Cluster_Analysis_and_Classification_Functions|Cluster Analysis and Classification Functions]]
:[[plsver]] - Displays version information.
*[[Multi_way_Functions|Multi-way Functions]]
<functionname> demo - Runs a short demo for each function.
*[[Linear_and_Non_Linear_Regression|Linear and Non-Linear Regression.]]
<functionname> io  - Prints short version of the io.
*[[Variable_Selection|Variable Selection]]
<functionname> help - Accesses the online help.
*[[Multivariate_Instrument_Standardization|Multivariate Instrument Standardization.]]
*[[MSPC_and_Identification_of_Finite_Impulse_Response_Models|MSPC and Identification of Finite Impulse Response Models.]]
*[[Peak_Fitting_Tools|Peak Fitting Tools]]
*[[Distribution_Fitting_Tools|Distribution Fitting Tools]]
*[[Non_Linear_Optimization_Tools|Non-Linear Optimization Tools]]
*[[Model_Utilities|Model Utilities]]
*[[Programming_Utilities|Programming Utilities]]
*[[PLS_Toolbox_Demonstrations|PLS_Toolbox Demonstrations.]]
*[[PLS_Toolbox_Test_Data_Sets|PLS_Toolbox Test Data Sets.]]
*[[EVRIGUI_Objects|Graphical User Interface objects (EVRIGUI Objects)]]
*[[Modeling_Function_Overview|Modeling-Function Overview]]
(Sub topic of [[PLS_Toolbox_Topics|PLS_Toolbox_Topics]])
====Plotting, Analysis Aids, and I/O Functions.====
:[[abline]] - Draws a line on the current axes with a given slope and intercept.
:[[analysis]] - Graphical user interface for data analysis.
:[[areadr]] - Reads ascii data and strips header.
:[[autoimport]] - Automatically reads specified file. Handles all standard filetypes.
:[[b3spline]] - Univariate spline fit and prediction.
:[[builddbstr]] - Builds a database connection string.
:[[dp]] - Draws a diagonal line on an existing figure.
:[[ellps]] - Plots an ellipse on an existing figure.
:[[explode]] - Extracts variables from a structure array to the workspace.
:[[exportfigure]]  - Automatically export figures to an external program.
:[[getpidata]] - Uses the current PI connection to construct a DSO from 'taglist'.
:[[gselect]] - Selects objects in a figure (various selection styles).
:[[hline]] - Adds horizontal lines to figure at specified locations.
:[[infobox]] - Display a string in an information box.
:[[loopfilereadr]] - An example function for reading files in a loop from a directory.
:[[mplot]] - Automatic creation of subplots and plotting.
:[[mtfreadr]] - Read AdventaCT Multi-Trace Format (MTF) files.
:[[parsemixed]] - Parse numerical and text data into a DataSet Object.
:[[pcolormap]] - Pseudocolor plot with labels and colorbar.
:[[ploteigen]] - Builds dataset object of eigenvalues/RMSECV information.
:[[plotgui]] - Interactive data viewer.
:[[plttern]] - Plots a 2D ternary diagram.
:[[pltternf]] - Plots a 3D ternary diagram with frequency of occurrence.
:[[querydb]] - Executes a query on a database defined by connection string.
:[[rwb]] - Red white and blue color map.
:[[setpath]] - Modifies and saves current directory to the MATLAB search path.
:[[spcreadr]] - Reads a Galactic SPC file.
:[[trendtool]] - Univariate trend analysis tool.
:[[vline]] - Adds vertical lines to figure at specified locations.
:[[writecsv]] - Export a DataSet object to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
:[[xclgetdata]] - Extracts matrix from an Excel spreadsheet.
:[[xclputdata]] - Write matrix to an Excel spreadsheet.
:[[xclreadr]] - Reads an ASCII or .XLS file in as a DataSet Object.
:[[xlsreadr]] - Reads .XLS files from MS Excel and other spreadsheets.
:[[xyreadr]]  - Reads one or more ASCII XY or XY... files into a DataSet object.
:[[yscale]] - Rescales the y-axis limits on each subplot in a figure.
:[[zline]] - Adds vertical lines to 3D figure at specified locations.
====Data Editing, Scaling, and Preprocessing.====
:[[alignmat]] - Alignment of matrices and N-way arrays.
:[[alignpeaks]] - Calibrates wavelength scale using standard peaks.
:[[alignspectra]] - Calibrates wavelength scale using standard spectrum.
:[[auto]] - Autoscales matrix to mean zero unit variance.
:[[baseline]] - Subtracts a polynomial baseline offset from spectra.
:[[baselinew]] - Baseline using windowed polynomial filter.
:[[batchdigester]] - Parse wafer or batch data into MPCA or Summary PCA form.
:[[coadd]] - Reduce resolution through combination of adjacent variables or samples.
:[[delsamps]] - Deletes samples (rows) or variables (columns) from data matrices.
:[[deresolv]] - Changes high resolution spectra to low resolution.
:[[editds]] - Editor for DataSet Objects.
:[[excludemissing]] - Automatically exclude too-much missing data in a matrix.
:[[glsw]] - Generalized least-squares weighting/preprocessing.
:[[gscale]] - Group/block scaling for a single or multiple blocks.
:[[gscaler]] - Applies group/block scaling to submatrices of a single matrix.
:[[lamsel]] - Determines indices of wavelength axes in specified ranges.
:[[logdecay]] - Mean centers and variance scales a matrix using the log decay of the variable axis.
:[[lsq2top]] - Fits a polynomial to the top/(bottom) of data.
:[[mdcheck]] - Missing Data Checker and infiller.
:[[med2top]] - Fits a constant to top/(bottom) of data.
:[[medcn]] - Median center scales matrix to median zero.
:[[mncn]] - Scale matrix to mean zero.
:[[mscorr]] - Multiplicative scatter/signal correction (MSC).
:[[normaliz]] - Normalize rows of matrix.
:[[npreprocess]] - Preprocessing of multi-way arrays.
:[[oscapp]] - Applies OSC model to new data.
:[[osccalc]] - Calculates orthogonal signal correction (OSC).
:[[polyinterp]] - Polynomial interpolation, smoothing, and differentiation.
:[[preprocess]] - Selection and application of standard preprocessing structures.
:[[preprouser]] - User-defined preprocessing methods.
:[[registerspec]] - Shift spectra based on expected peak locations.
:[[rescale]] - Scales data back to original scaling.
:[[savgol]] - Savitzky-Golay smoothing and differentiation.
:[[savgolcv]] - Cross-validation for Savitzky-Golay smoothing and differentiation.
:[[scale]] - Scales data using specified means and std. devs.
:[[shuffle]] - Randomly re-orders matrix and multiple blocks rows.
:[[snv]] - Standard normal variate scaling.
:[[specedit]] - GUI for selecting spectral regions on a plot.
:[[super_reduce]] - Eliminates highly correlated variables.
:[[unfoldm]] - Rearranges (unfolds) an augmented matrix to row vectors.
:[[unfoldmw]] - Unfolds multiway arrays along specified order.
:[[wlsbaseline]] - Weighted least squares baseline function.
====Statistics, ANOVA, Experimental design, Miscellaneous.====
:[[anova1w]] - One-way analysis of variance.
:[[anova2w]] - Two-way analysis of variance.
:[[corrmap]] - Correlation map with variable grouping.
:[[distslct]] - Selects samples on outside of data space.
:[[doptimal]] - Selects samples based on D-Optimal criteria.
:[[durbin_watson]] - Criterion for measure of continuity.
:[[factdes]] - Full factorial design of experiments.
:[[ffacdes1]] - Fractional factorial design of experiments.
:[[ftest]] - F test and inverse F test statistic.
:[[percentile]] - Finds percentile point (similar to MEDIAN).
:[[stdsslct]] - Selects data subsets (often for use in standardization).
:[[ttestp]] - Evaluates t-distribution and its inverse.
====Principal Components Analysis====
:[[chilimit]] - Chi-squared confidence limits from sum-of-squares residuals.
:[[datahat]] - Calculates the model estimate and residuals of the data.
:[[estimatefactors]] - Estimate number of significant factors in multivariate data.
:[[jmlimit]] - Confidence limits for Q residuals via Jackson-Mudholkar.
:[[manrotate]] - Graphical interface to manually rotate model loadings.
:[[mlpca]] - Maximum likelihood principal components analysis.
:[[pca]] - Principal components analysis.
:[[pcaengine]] - Principal Components Analysis computational engine.
:[[pcapro]] - Projects new data on old principal components model.
:[[plotloads]] - Extract and display loadings information from a model structure.
:[[plotscores]] - Extract and display score information from a model.
:[[residuallimit]] - Estimates confidence limits for sum squared residuals.
:[[ssqtable]] - Displays variance captured table for model.
:[[subgroupcl]] - Displays a confidence ellipse for points in a two-dimensional plot.
:[[tsqlim]] - Confidence limits for Hotelling's T^2.
:[[tsqmtx]] - Calculates matrix for T^2 contributions for PCA.
:[[varcap]] - Variance captured for each variable in PCA model.
:[[varimax]] - Orthogonal rotation of loadings.
====Curve Resolution and Evolving Factor Analysis====
:[[als]] - Alternating Least Squares computational engine.
:[[comparelcms_simengine]] - Calculational Engine for comparelcms.
:[[comparelcms_sim_interactive]] - Interactive interface for COMPARELCMS.
:[[coda_dw_interactive]] - Interactive version of CODA_DW.
:[[coda_dw]] - Calculates values for the Durbin_Watson criterion of columns of data set.
:[[corrspec]] - Resolves correlation spectroscopy maps.
:[[dispmat]] - Calculates the dispersion matrix of two spectral data sets.
:[[evolvfa]] - Evolving factor analysis (forward and reverse).
:[[ewfa]] - Evolving window factor analysis.
:[[mcr]] - Multivariate curve resolution with constraints.
:[[purity]] - Self-modeling mixture analysis method based on purity of variables or spectra.
:[[purityengine]] - calculates purity values of columns of data set.
:[[wtfa]] - Window target factor analysis.
====Cluster Analysis and Classification Functions====
:[[class2logical]] - Create a PLSDA logical block from class assignments.
:[[cluster]] - KNN and K-means cluster analysis with dendrograms.
:[[discrimprob]] - Discriminate probabilities for continuous predicted values.
:[[knn]] - K-nearest neighbor classifier.
:[[plsda]] - Partial least squares discriminant analysis.
:[[plsdaroc]] - Calculate and display ROC curves for PLSDA model.
:[[plsdthres]] - Bayesian threshold determination for PLS Discriminate Analysis.
:[[simca]] - Soft Independent Method of Class Analogy.
====Multi-way and Image Functions====
:[[alignmat]] - Alignment of matrices and N-way arrays.
:[[corcondia]] - Evaluates consistency of PARAFAC model.
:[[coreanal]] - Analysis of the core array of a Tucker model.
:[[corecalc]] - Calculate the Tucker3 core given the data array and loadings.
:[[gram]] - Generalized rank annihilation method.
:[[modelviewer]] - Visualization tool for multi-way models.
:[[mpca]] - Multi-way (unfold) principal components analysis.
:[[nassign]] - Generic subscript assignment indexing for n-way arrays.
:[[ncrossval]] - Cross-validation for multilinear PLS (N-PLS).
:[[nindex]] - Generic subscript indexing for n-way arrays.
:[[npls]] - Multilinear-PLS (N-PLS) for true multi-way regression.
:[[npreprocess]] - Preprocessing of multi-way arrays.
:[[outerm]] - Computes outer product of any number of vectors.
:[[parafac]] - Parallel factor analysis for n-way arrays.
:[[parafac2]] - Parallel factor analysis for unevenly sized n-way arrays.
:[[tld]] - Trilinear decomposition.
:[[tucker]] - Analysis for n-way arrays.
====Linear and Non-Linear Regression.====
:[[cls]] - Classical Least Squares regression for multivariate Y.
:[[cr]] - Continuum Regression for multivariate y.
:[[crcvrnd]] - Cross-validation for continuum regression.
:[[crossval]] - Cross-validation for decomposition and linear regression.
:[[fastnnls]] - Fast non-negative least squares.
:[[figmerit]] - Analytical figures of merit for multivariate calibration.
:[[frpcr]] - Full-ratio PCR calibration and prediction.
:[[frpcrengine]] - Engine for full-ratio PCR regression.
:[[leverag]] - Calculate sample leverages.
:[[lwrpred]] - Predictions based on locally weighted regression models.
:[[mlr]] - Multiple Linear Regression for multivariate Y.
:[[mlrengine]] - Multiple Linear Regression computational engine.
:[[modlpred]] - Predictions using standard model structures.
:[[modlrder]] - Displays model info for standard model structures.
:[[nippls]] - NIPALS Partial Least Squares computational engine.
:[[pcr]] - Principal components regression for multivariate Y.
:[[pcrengine]] - Principal Component Regression computational engine.
:[[pls]] - Partial least squares regression for multivariate Y.
:[[plsnipal]] - NIPALS algorithm for one PLS latent variable.
:[[polypls]] - PLS regression with polynomial inner-relation.
:[[regcon]] - Converts regression model to y = ax + b form.
:[[ridge]] - Ridge regression by Hoerl-Kennard-Baldwin.
:[[ridgecv]] - Ridge regression by cross validation.
:[[rinverse]] - Calculate pseudo inverse for PLS, PCR and RR models.
:[[rmse]] - Calculate Root Mean Square Error.
:[[simpls]] - Partial Least Squares computational engine using SIMPLS algorithm.
:[[varcapy]] - Calculate percent y-block variance captured by a PLS regression model.
:[[vip]] - Calculate Variable Importance in Projection from regression model.
====Variable Selection====
:[[calibsel]] - Statistical procedure for variable selection.
:[[fullsearch]] - Exhaustive Search Algorithm for small problems.
:[[gaselctr]] - Genetic algorithm for variable selection with PLS.
:[[genalg]] - Genetic Algorithm for Variable Selection.
:[[genalgplot]] - Plot GA results using selected variable plot, color-coded by RMSECV.
:[[ipls]] - Interval PLS variable selection.
====Multivariate Instrument Standardization.====
:[[caltransfer]] - Create or apply calibration and instrument transfer models.
:[[deresolv]] - Changes high resolution spectra to low resolution.
:[[stdfir]] - Standardization based on FIR modelling.
:[[stdgen]] - Piecewise and direct standardization transform generator.
:[[stdize]] - Applies transform from STDGEN to new spectra.
====MSPC and Identification of Finite Impulse Response Models.====
:[[autocor]] - Auto-correlation function for time series data.
:[[crosscor]] - Cross-correlation function for time series data.
:[[fir2ss]] - Transform FIR model into equivalent state space model.
:[[plspulsm]] - Identifies FIR dynamics models for MISO systems.
:[[plsrsgcv]] - Generate PLS models for MSPC with cross-validation.
:[[plsrsgn]] - Generates a matrix of PLS models for MSPC.
:[[replace]] - Replaces variables based on PCA or PLS models.
:[[wrtpulse]] - Create input/output matrices for dynamic model identification.
====Model Utilities====
:[[browse]] - PLS_Toolbox Toolbar and Workspace browser.
:[[choosecomp]] - Automatic selection of components for various model types.
:[[choosencomp]] - GUI to select number of components from SSQ table.
:[[compressmodel]] - Remove references to unused variables from a model.
:[[copydsfields]] - Copies informational fields between datasets and/or models.
:[[matchvars]] - Align variables of a dataset to allow prediction with a model.
:[[modelcache]] - Stores and retrieves models in the model cache.
:[[modelselector]] - Create or apply a model selector model.
:[[modelstruct]] - Constructs an empty model structure.
:[[reviewmodel]] - Examines a standard model structure for typical problems.
:[[updatemod]] - Update model structure to be compatible with the current version.
====Programming Utilities====
:[[besttime]] - Returns a string describing the time interval provided (in seconds).
:[[cellne]] - Compares two cells for inequality in size and/or values.
:[[comparevars]] - Compares two variables of any type and returns differences.
:[[contents]] - Mfile of functions to enable Matlab helpwin.
:[[encode]] - Translates a variable into matlab-executable code.
:[[erdlgpls]] - Error dialog.
:[[evrirelease]] - Returns Eigenvector product release number.
:[[exportfigure]] - Automatically export figures to an external program.
:[[figbrowser]] - Browser with icons of all Matlab figures.
:[[findindx]] - Finds the index of the array element closest to value r.
:[[getdatasource]] - Extract summary dataset info.
:[[getmlversion]] - Returns current Matlab version as an integer.
:[[getplspref]] - Get overriding options (preferences) for PLS_Toolbox functions.
:[[lddlgpls]] - Dialog to load variable from workspace or MAT file.
:[[moveobj]] - Interactively reposition graphics objects.
:[[helppls]] - Context related help on the PLS_Toolbox.
:[[readme]] - Release notes for Version 4.0 of PLS_Toolbox.
:[[reversebytes]] - Flips order of bytes in a word.
:[[setplspref]] - Set overriding options (preferences) for PLS_Toolbox functions.
:[[string_x]] - Add backslash before troublesome TeX characters.
:[[svdlgpls]] - Dialog to save variable to workspace or MAT file.
====PLS_Toolbox Demonstrations.====
:[[datasetdemo]] - Demonstrates use of the dataset object.
:[[demos]] - Demo list for the PLS_Toolbox.
:[[linmodeldemo]] - Demo of the CROSSVAL, MODLRDER, PCR, PLS, PREPROCESS and SSQTABLE functions.
:[[projdemo]] - Demo of the MLR, PCR, and PLS regression vectors.
:[[statdemo]] - Elementary stats, t test, F test and AVOVA.
:[[stddemo]] - Demo of the STDSSLCT, STDGEN, and OSCCALC functions.
====PLS_Toolbox Test Data Sets.====
:alcohol      - Biological fluid analysis of alcoholics for discriminant analysis.
:aminoacids    - Fluorescence EEM of 5 samples for PARAFAC.
:arch          - Archeological artifact data set for PCA amd SIMCA examples.
:bread        - Sensory evaluation of breads.
:dorrit        - EEM of 27 samples with 4 flourophores for PARAFAC.
:etchdata      - Engineering process data from semiconductor metal etch (MPCA).
:fia          - Flow Injection Analysis of hydroxy-benzaldehydes.
:halddata      - Hald cement curing data.
:nir_data      - NIR spectra of pseudo gasoline samples for STDDEMO.
:nmr_data      - NMR data for GRAM demo.
:oesdata      - Optical emission spectra from metal etch.
:paint        - Non-linear paint formulation data.
:pcadata      - Slurry Fed Ceramic Melter data.
:plsdata      - SFCM data for PCR and PLS demos.
:[[plslogo]] - Generates PLS_Toolbox CR surface logo.
:projdat      - Projection demo data for PROJDEMO.
:pulsdata      - Time series data for PLSPULSM demo.
:replacedata  - SFCM data for REPLACEDEMO.
:sawdata      - Surface acoustic wave sensor data for organic vapors.
:statdata      - Data sets for ANOVA and statistics STATDEMO.
:sugar        - Fluorescence EEM N-way data set.
:wine          - Wine demographic data set for PCA example.
:areadrdemtext.txt - Text file used by AREADRDEMO.
:xclreadrdata.txt  - Text file used by XCLREADRDEMO.
:Redbeerdata.xls  - Example spreadsheet for "Intro to MATLAB".
[[Modeling-Function Overview]]

Latest revision as of 08:03, 13 July 2012