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Create or apply a multiblock model for joining data.


model = multiblock({m1 d2 m3 d4}, options); %Make multiblock model.
[model, joinedData] = multiblock({m1 d2 m3 d4}, options); %Return model and joined data.
joinedData = multiblock({dd1 dd2 dd3 dd4}, model); %Get new joined data.
model = multiblock(model,postJoinModel); %Add a post join model to multiblock model.
pred = multiblock({x1' x2' x3' x3' x4'}, model); %Get joined data and prediction.
[pred, joinedData] = multiblock({x1' x2' x3' x3' x4'}, model); %Get joined data and prediction.


Multiple block data joining allows for two or more datasets and or models to be joined and modeled. Model fields (e.g., Scores) are extracted into a dataset before joining.

This function joins data in the order it's input.

See multiblocktool for an interface to this function.


  • mx = Cell array of data and or models.


  • model = Standard model structure containing the multiblock model.


options = a structure array with the following fields:

  • display: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] Governs level of display to command window.
  • plots: [ 'none' | {'final'} ] Governs level of plotting.
  • waibar: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] Show waitbar.
  • filter_defaults: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] Use default scores and Q model fields.
  • filter_prompt: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] Prompt for selecting model filter fields. If off then defaults are selected.
  • filter: [{}] n x 3 cell array of filter information (see GETMODELOUTPUTS).
  • bin_options: structure of options to pass to bin2scale for data concatenation.
  • preprocessing: [{}] Preproceessing for each block.
  • label_threshold: [.5] Threshold for label matching.
  • post_join_model : [] Model to apply after join.
  • apply_postjoin_model: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] Apply post join model if available. Set this option to 'off' if only joined data is to desired.

See Also

bin2scale, coadd