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Reads PerkinElmer files into a DataSet object.
- data = pereadr(filename,options)
Input is the filename of a PerkinElmer file to read. If omitted, the user is prompted for a file. The reader reads files of type:
- image,
- line scan,
- spectrum,
- intensity map,
- .VIS visual image
This function is implemented using code obtained from MatlabCentral PerkinElmer IR data utility [1] submitted by Ben Perston. Multiple input files must contain the same axisscale for the wavelength (variables) mode. The imported files are returned in a Dataset Object.
Optional Inputs
- filename = specifies the file(s) to read using:
- (a) a string specifying a single file to read
- (b) a cell array of strings specifying multiple files to read
- (c) the output of the MATLAB "dir" command specifying multiple files to read
- If fname is an empty string or matrix or is not supplied, the user is prompted to identify file(s) to load.
- options = an optional options structure. See Options below.
- data = a DataSet object containing the spectrum or spectra from the file(s), or an empty array if no data could be read.
Input 'options' is an options structure containing the following fields
- filetype: [{'fsm'}| 'imp' | 'lsc' | 'sp' | 'vis'] Specify the type of the data in the imported file(s).
- multiselect: [ 'off' |{'on'}] governs whether file selection dialog should allow multiple files to be selected and imported. Setting to 'off' will restrict user to importing only one file at a time.
See Also
Data Importing Formats, jcampreadr, spcreadr, writespc, xclreadr